newsOver 1,500 Journalists Cover COP 22 in Marrakech


10 Nov

Over 1,500 Journalists Cover COP 22 in Marrakech

Marrakech 10/11/2016 (MAP) – Over 1,500 journalists from across the world cover the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is taking place in Marrakech until November 18, 2016.

This wide media coverage demonstrates the importance of the conference, which gathers 20,000 delegates and observers and some 30,000 representatives of the civil society from 196 countries.

The conference is taking place in Bab Ighli village, which extends over an area of nearly 300,000 m2.

The conference site at Bab Ighli consists of the main conference area, also known as the “Blue Zone”, and space for civil society and other participants also known as the “Green Zone”.

The “Blue Zone” is the venue where all official activities of the COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1 take place during the two-week conference. Blue Zone facilities include two plenary halls, 30 meeting rooms and three press rooms, as well as ten rooms reserved for observers.

The Green Zone next to the Blue Zone is where civil society and others can undertake climate change-related activities.

The COP 22 is the crucial next step for governments looking to operationalize the Paris Climate Change Agreement adopted last year. The conference is also committed to reinforce responsible collaboration between all Parties in order to achieve a collective shift towards a new sustainable development model.

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