Morocco’s Major Dams: Storage Capacity Reaches 57.6% by March 27
Rabat – The storage capacity of the main dams in Morocco reached 57.6% as of March 17, that is a total storage of 8.76 billion cubic meters (m3), according to the Department of Water.
This level is lower than the one reported during the same period in 2016, when the volume of water totaled about 9.4 billion cubic meters, i.e. a storage capacity of 62%, added the same source.
The fill rate rose to 100% in the dams of “Garde Sebou”, “Imil El Kheng” and “Mokhtar Soussi”, the Department noted, adding that the dams of “Nakhla”, “Bouhouda” and “Sidi Said Maachou” have maintained their optimal fill rate (100%).